Monday, January 20, 2014

Printing Birches

In my last post, about the meditative properties of carving, I was working on a block which would eventually become a grove of birch trees.  I'm happy to report that it's finished!

Even more exciting - yesterday was Print Day! :D

Because I'm so new at this - or maybe you veteran printmakers feel this way, too - I just marvel at the S-L-O-W process.  I'm used to working on a project, from start to finish, in about 4 hours.  With printmaking, one really must remember to be mindful of every step and to be patient.  I must admit, it's taking some getting used to - but I LOVE it.

Here is the palette I chose for my block - I was surprised by how much the brown blended in with the other colors!

Rolling the ink on the block....

Setting up the block on the press....

VOILA!!  Birch prints!!

I decided to make this an edition of 10.  Here are two of the prints, but I printed the block on all sorts of backgrounds - Gampi tissue, an old business letter, rice paper, etc.  

I'm letting the prints dry today, but tomorrow begins Phase III - coloring and final touches!!  Stay tuned!  :)


  1. This is a fantastic piece, Mel. I like it just as is but am curious to see them after you add your finishing touches. Congrats!

    1. Thanks, Suze! How lovely of you to say. :) I've got some collage tricks up my know that I can't go too long without collaging my work! :D

  2. wow, mel. i'm impressed. imPRESSed... get it? lololololololololololololol.
    seriously, though, great job.

    1. HA!! Thanks, Steev! I thINK your pun is swell!! Get it? Okay, mine's not as good as yours. :D

  3. Beautiful....can't wait to see the finished pieces!

    1. Thanks, Carol! I'm just about to write that post! :)
